Exposure to printing inks is grossly underestimated
Frequent detection of the photoinitiator isopropylthioxant (ITX) in baby milk, dairy products and cloudy fruit juices packaged in beverage cartons highlights the need for more regular screening of food products packaged in paper and cardboard. UV filters have been associated with exposure to sensitization, endocrine activity and cancer. In this study, researchers from the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) and the German Food Law Enforcement Agency of Baden-Württemberg (CVUA) analyzed 310 packaging materials containing dry food products for the presence of 11 photoinitiators and amine synergists. Ultraviolet (UV) filters such as ITX and benzophenone (BP) , previously found in food, are used in UV-curable printing inks and varnishes. Some UV filters such as BP require amine synergists to improve curing. BP has shown a positive response in uterine nutrition tests for estrogenic activity and is classified as a high yield chemical. Printing inks are currently not spe...