Understanding the Wear Properties of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymers
The extent to which the flavor and texture of your food depends on how you break down and combine chains of protein, carbohydrate and fat molecules. This reaction is usually caused using heat, but you can also trigger or accelerate chemical reactions by introducing new enzymes into your food that can change the molecular composition. Cooking is one of the best examples of composites in our daily lives. A composite material is a combination of two or more constituent materials with different physicochemical properties; the resulting composite has properties that are different from those of the individual elements. Although composites are ubiquitous, we are often unfamiliar with the original elements used to make them and therefore cannot understand how the combination of materials changes the properties. But in cooking, you can experience the individual elements firsthand as you place them in a bowl and then create a new dish that tastes very different from each of the original in...